IFA Indonesia Adakan International Tax Seminar ke-9

IFA Indonesia akan mengadakan seminar yang akan digelar secara virtual pada tanggal 8-9 Desember 2021. Pada seminar tahunan yang ke-9, akan dibahas berbagai isu mengenai perpajakan lintas-batas (cross-border taxation), termasuk pengaruh laporan BEPS terhadap lanskap perpajakan di Indonesia.

Seminar akan dilaksanakan dengan jadwal sebagai berikut.

RABU, 8 DESEMBER 2021 – 13.30 – 17.00

OPENING REMARKS by IFA Indonesia Chairman

Keynote Speeches:

  1. Mekar Satria Utama SE., MP, Acc – Director of International Tax – Director General of Taxes (“DGT”)
  2. Pascal Saint-Amans, Director – Centre for Tax Policy and Administration of OECD

SESSION 1: Taxation issues in the context of the Digital Economy – Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 application and impact to developing countries

  1. Melani Dewi Astuti Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance
  2. Ben Dickinson – Head of Global Relations and Development Division – CTPA of OECD
  3. Bart Kosters Senior Principal Research Associate IBFD
  4. Jan-Willem Kunen – Senior adviser, Loyens and Loeff – Rotterdam.
  5. Dean Rolfe Head of International Tax – Asia Pacific of KPMG

Chair of the session: Christine Tjen of Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Indonesia.

SESSION 2: Current Development in Transfer Pricing – Application of PMK 22/2020 Re: secondary adjustments

  1. Permana Adi – PB Taxand Indonesia
  2. Balim Boerman – Deloitte Indonesia
  3. Dwi Astuti – the Director General of Taxes
  4. Ivan Budiarnawan – PT Astra International TBK

Chair of the session: Christine Tjen of Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Indonesia.

KAMIS, 9 DESEMBER 2021 – 14.00 – 17.00

SESSION 3: Recent International Tax Issues in Asia Pacific Region the impact of Multilateral Instrument application in interpreting Tax Treaty related provisions.

  1. Melinda Brown Senior Tax Adviser – CTPA OECD
  2. Thenesh Kannaa, Partner, TraTax / WTS Malaysia
  3. Alessandro Farris – Tax adviser, Loyens and Loeff – Rotterdam.
  4. Nico Derksen – International Tax Management – Singapore

Chair of session: Adrianto Dwi Nugroho of Faculty of Law – University of Gajah Mada.

Panel discussion: recent international tax developments and its implementation in Indonesia

  1. Ay Tjhing Phan – Tax Partner, PwC Indonesia
  2. Cindy Sukiman – Tax Partner, Deloitte Indonesia
  3. Jul Seventa Tarigan Head of Tax PT Adaro Indonesia TBK
  4. Dean Rolfe – Head of International Tax – Asia Pacific of KPMG

Chair of the session: Nicholas Graham – Partner RSM Indonesia

Bagi Anda yang berminat untuk mengikuti seminar yang diadakan oleh IFA Indonesia, Anda dapat melakukan registrasi melalui tautan berikut ini:


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat menghubungi Indah Ratnaningati melalui +62 817 915 6110 (mobile) atau indah.ratnaningati@rsm.id / info@ifa-indonesia.com.

Categories: Tax Event

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